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Building a ‘bed shed’ sleeping shelter – Primitive Technology

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Bundles of long dry grasses thatch the roof of this elevated sleeping shelter. The bed itself is woven from lawyer cane and covered with a woven bark mat. It’s all held up with wooden posts tied with vines. Primitive Technology shows us how to build a Bed Shed:

This structure is quick and easy to build. The bed is 1 m above the ground and provides plenty of area beneath to store fire wood and tools out of the rain as well as a place to sit and make things. The bed is comfortable and keeps the occupant off the ground away from ground dwelling creatures at night. The smoke coming up from the fire keeps mosquitoes away while providing heat and light reflected back from the roof. In fine weather the fire can be placed in front of the shed in the open while during rain the fire can be kept under the shelter to keep it dry. If room is needed to stand up the bed can be folded up against the roof and tied to it using cordage.

This shed is literally one half of the standard rectilinear hut I usually build (2m x2m floor plan, 2m tall ridge line and 1 m high side walls e.g. from wattle and daub hut and tiled hut videos) and was built to be upgradeable. Later, the other side of the roof could be added on and then walls of some kind built around the frame to form a full hut.

Next: How to build a grass hut in about seven days, how nomads put together a ger (or yurt), and building other kinds of shelters.

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