The Kid Should See This

The science of solar eclipses: How do solar & lunar eclipses work?

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How do solar & lunar eclipses work? And why don’t we get eclipses every month? This Vox explainer is packed full of really interesting information about the remarkable science of solar eclipses.

Find out how 5.1 degrees of the moon’s tilted orbit path makes a huge difference, how a lot of annular (vs total) solar eclipses are in our near future, and how Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong left mirrors off the moon so that we could measure the moon’s distance! Those measurements have told us something about our relationship with the moon in 600 million years.

In case you missed it, watch the BBC Stargazing Live 2015 Solar Eclipse video, and make future viewing plans with these lists of solar eclipses and lunar eclipses in the 21st century.

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