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A microburst drops heavy rain over Austria’s Lake Millstatt, a time lapse

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See a microburst or downburst drop heavy rain in a thunderstorm over Austria’s Lake Millstatt. The time lapse was captured by photographer Peter Maier from high above the scenery, allowing a clear view of the burst. From The Washington Post:

A microburst is a plume of rapidly sinking air in a thunderstorm. It’s usually located in the same region from which the hail and heavy rain is falling. It’s the load of the hail and heavy rain that drags the air downward, punching toward the ground like a fist… They can generate straight-line winds that rival the intensity of a weak to moderate tornado and have been documented with wind speeds up to 150 mph.

Watch these videos next: Stormscapes – A time lapse of storm clouds & mesocyclones, Two Triple Lightning Strikes in Chicago, and Norway’s Atlanterhavsveien (The Atlantic Ocean Road).

h/t @MeredithFrost.

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