This epic video postcard features Scottish street trials and mountain bike riding pro Danny MacAskill as he tests his years of skill on the streets of San Francisco. The video and its filming locations took five years of planning.
Iconic spots include a Powell Street cable car, San Francisco State University, Alcatraz Island, Chinatown’s Kearny Street pedestrian bridge, Pier 39, and a modified chain at Fort Point near the Golden Gate Bridge.
Like all good stunt videos, this Red Bull-sponsored edit includes a few fails that remind viewers how difficult and dangerous the tricks are, even for a professional. MacAskill is also supported by a team that helps him plan, test, practice, re-work, and film each setup as safely as possible.
That tennis net sequence alone took two full days to shoot, giving MacAskill 400 attempts to get it right.
MacAskill’s risk calculations are also revealed in the behind-the-scenes short films: Feats that felt too dangerous were changed, the tennis net string was replaced with a thicker, tighter cable, and MacAskill practiced the tricks with strategically positioned wood pallets and gym mats until he felt ready to film.
Watch these Danny MacAskill videos next on TKSST:
• Danny MacAskill’s Wee Day Out
• Danny MacAskill rides The Slabs of Dubh Ridge
• Danny MacAskill’s Street Trials
via Kottke.
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