A “crazy circus company” created by six acrobats, Hoops Désolé combines theatrical games and dance with a swarm of acrobatic leaps, jumps, dives, flips, and tumbles. Their name springs from the team’s signature apparatus, as seen in the hoop diving video above.
The collective is formed by Jacob Grégoire, Gian Nardin, Augustin Thériault, Cameron Clarke, Theddy Nardin, and Santiago Esviza. Some of the team are alums of l’École de Cirque de Québec and Montreal’s Cirque Éloize. Brothers Gian and Theddy have been jumping on beds since they were 5 and 8, and now perform on a teeterboard, as well.
They’ve used the playful acrobatic combinations above to introduce the team in the promotional video below:
Follow them for more behind-the-scenes hard work (and a few antics) on Facebook and on Instagram:
There are more acrobatics, hoops, and circus feats to watch. Start with these favorites on TKSST:
• Club & ring juggling tricks with a team of four jugglers
• Gravity-defying acrobatics set to Clair de lune
• Angelica Bongiovonni rides a Cyr wheel
• The high-flying, gravity-defying Kukkiwon Taekwondo Demonstration Team
And don’t miss this semi-related wonder: Boomwhacker Bach: Prélude n°1 aux tubes musicaux
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