The Kid Should See This

Metal crystals forming in time lapse

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From Italy-based chemistry student Emanuele Fornasier, this is Crystal Birth, one of the many chem vids he’s created as a video and photo enthusiast. He writes:

This video is the beginning of a long term chemistry project involving metal crystals. These stunning structures are the result of a chemical reaction where the metal is deposited from the solution onto the metal surface. It takes from a few hours to a couple of days to generate a crystal. This process is carried out very slowly by an electric current: layer by layer the crystal is born.

The Beauty of Science team has been working on their own metal crystal growth time lapse vids via metal displacement reactions with a microscope. This is Black (Lead) and White (Silver):

Previously from BOS: Beautiful Chemical Reactions and Crystallization2.

via Colossal.

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