The Kid Should See This

Mirror, a short story of similar objects

Watch more with these video collections:

How many times it happened to find similar shapes between them which seem to have any kind of relationship?

As often it happens in nature all is apparently different but essentially the basic shapes are repeated with infinite declinations. The format puts in relation objects from similar shape that have different functions.

From Tanello Production in Naples, Italy, enjoy some beautifully composed visual juxtapositions between things that are not often paired: MIRROR, a short story of similar objects.

Short films like this one always remind me of classic Sesame Street shorts. Follow this with Parabolas (etc.), 100 people answer the question, β€œHow old are you?” in Dutch, the Electric Company’s Sign Songs, and Design Ah! (デアむンあ) introduces kids to design concepts.

via Kottke.

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Yawns, a collection film by The Mercadantes

Rion Nakaya

The Ground Beneath Me: A photo every day for one year

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Sign Songs from PBS’ The Electric Company in the 1970s

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People In Order (2006)

Rion Nakaya

One Minute Vacation – One second per day for 2 months

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New York to San Francisco by train in five minutes

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Naps, a collection film by The Mercadantes

Rion Nakaya

Masks of our world, an excerpt from “Beyond Noh”

Rion Nakaya

It’s different from what you expected (Unexpected Outcomes) fromΒ Design Ah!

Rion Nakaya

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