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Primate Parenthood: Red ruffed lemur & Allen’s swamp monkey

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Smithsonian’s National Zoo has just welcomed some of the rarest newborns in the world, and to first-time mothers. Meet red-ruffed lemur Molly, who just gave birth to a litter. Lemurs, the most endangered mammals on Earth, have a 65% infant mortality rate, so preparing the enclosure for her rowdy trio is key. The zoo’s caretakers are also glad to see Allen’s swamp monkey Layla excel at raising her first baby, Zawadi, who she can barely put down. While mothering has come so naturally to both, their young are already showing signs of independence.

Allen’s swamp monkey mother
There are more lemur and monkey videos on this site, including these baby ring tailed lemurs clinging to their mother in Madagascar.

Watch more from the Smithsonian’s National Zoo, too.

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