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The longest fidget spinner spin ever + the world’s smallest fidget spinner

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With a wheel-shaped fidget spinner that was specially made by 50 people at Mitsubishi over the course of six months, a Guinness World Record was set for Longest Duration Spinning a Fidget Spinner on One Hand. The accomplishment, a team effort by employees at MinebeaMitsumi Inc., was won by Takayuki Ishikawa. The record-setting time: 24 minutes and 46.34 seconds. From project leader Shigeru None via Guinness:

“By incorporating technologies used for space satellites, we were able to realize smoothness and overwhelming rotation time that we’ve never seen before. We also applied bearing manufacturing technologies used for aircraft as well as wheels and rings. We use materials with the highest strength among aluminum alloys and highest quality brass so that wheels and rings are thoroughly thinner and lighter than conventional ones.”

MinebeaMitsumi makes motors, sensors, and other products, including the ball bearings used in fidget spinners. The price of the specially-made one: $450.19 or 49,800 yen.

Eight MinebeaMitsumi employees also spent two months creating The World’s Smallest Fidget Spinner. It’s 5.09 millimeters (0.2 inches) wide.

Next: A fidget spinner in space, The Blue Marble, an uninterrupted catapult-filled magnet marble run, and more Guinness World Records on this site.

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