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Top Secret Drum Corps at the Edinburgh Military Tattoo (2012)

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Top Secret Drum CorpsΒ is a precision drum corps from Basel, Switzerland. Watch the 25 drummers and color guard members perform a series of beat-filled formations with a digital age theme at the Edinburgh Military Tattoo in 2012. The routine includes a few Muskateer-style jousting moments and light-up drums in the dark.

Updated video. You can see the original here.

light-up drums
The corps is famous for its exacting performances. “With its invitation to Edinburgh, Top Secret became one of the first non-military, non-British Commonwealth acts to perform on the Esplanade at Edinburgh Castle.”

Basel drumming style is militaristic, derived from the military drumming drills of Swiss soldiers dating back to the Middle Ages. Top Secret in many ways adheres to the military nature of Basel drumming, but differs in many respects. Its drummers play at a much faster rate. Also, while traditional Basel drumming is somber and favors traditional marching tunes (accompanied by fifes during the Fasnacht), Top Secret’s drumming style is upbeat and playful. Segments of their routines feature a rhumba, a drummer’s duel, drumstick juggling, exploding flagpoles, and other crowd-pleasing details

Top Secret Drum Corps
Next, watch War Horse and the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo.

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