The Kid Should See This

Midday Traffic Time Collapsed and Reorganized by Color

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Above, filmmaker Cy Kuckenbaker‘sΒ Midday Traffic Time Collapsed and Reorganized by Color: San Diego Study #3. But wait… here’s the real video of this freeway. So what’s going on here, and how did he do it? ViaΒ The Creator’s Project:Β 

Using a system called chroma key (that acts in several ways like a green screen) Kuckenbaker was able to remove, re-insert, and layer both backgrounds and objects—giving the appearance of remarkable mass action happening in a short time frame. Through this method, he was able to isolate car patterns and condense their cycles—turning what would otherwise be dry transportation data into a moving, visual representation of life in San Diego.

You may have also seen Kuckenbaker’s viral airplanes, Landings at San Diego Int Airport Nov 23, 2012, below:Β 

In the archive: more vehicles and more swarms.

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