The Kid Should See This

LEGO Adventure in the City: A brick-animated short story

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Once upon a time, a snake went to the zoo and then returned to his home. Suddenly, there was an attack from The Grey and the zoo’s dinosaur gets out! Can the snake help the city?!

This stop motion animated short story, LEGO Adventure in the City, was written and directed by Rogier Wieland for AKQA, Shanghai and LEGO China. It took six animators and two set builders to help bring together a mix of brick-made characters and sets, and some human-sized sets, too!







Bonus: There’s also a time lapse-filled making-of video that shows how much work went into putting it all together.

Related videos: A blind girl imagines & art directs The Wizard of Oz, Samantha Bryan’s handmade fairies & flying contraptions, a LEGO Dragon self-assembles, and how to build a huge LEGO house.

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