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Supermoon ‘Blood Moon’ Lunar Eclipse – NASA

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On September 27th, 2015, a supermoon lunar eclipse — that’s a supermoon and a lunar eclipse or ‘blood moon’ happening at the same time — will be visible around much of the planet in a rare celestial event. How rare? The last one was in 1982 and the next one is in 2033.

Can you see it in Lima, Peru? Montreal, Canada? Accra, Ghana? Tallinn, Estonia? has incredibly useful location-based info for when the lunar eclipse will be visible where you are.

The Sierra Club has an additional note for U.S.-based viewers:

It will be visible to all of North America but more so for those in the eastern half, who will get to see the eclipse in its entirety. If you’re east of a line extending from western Minnesota south to Houston, the moon will be above the horizon as the eclipse starts…

For those in western states like California and Washington, where wildfires have been rampant, the soot in the air may change the appearance of the lunar eclipse, making it darker or possibly more violet, depending on the amount and type of aerosols and how they filter the view.

What did the last lunar eclipse look like? Watch this next: What is a Blood Moon? Time lapse (& real time) of a lunar eclipse.

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