The Kid Should See This

William Wegman, The Dog Photographer

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Welcome to Wegman’s Wild World of Weimaraners, where dogs bake cakes and lounge like royalty. Known to the world as the “dog photographer,” William Wegman has spent the past 45 years dressing and posing his canine muses in elaborate ensembles, finding whimsy in the absurd.

From Great Big Story, spend time with William Wegman, Flo, and Topper in their New York City studio in Being Human With the Dog Photographer, a short that recollects how his photos transitioned into popular culture. Then enjoy these three amusing Wegman shorts created for Sesame Street. Farmer McFay Counts to 40 from 1998:

Also from 1998, baking bread:

And from 1999, The Truck Driver:

Follow this with Two Dogs Dining and The Dog Waltz. Plus, don’t miss this classic: William Wegman’s ABC.

h/t Colossal.

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