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The Kid Should See This

The Kakapo: The world’s only flightless parrot is a very rare bird

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Meet the Kakapo: a flightless, herbivorous, nocturnal parrot that also happens to be the world’s heaviest parrot, possibly the oldest living bird, and a critically endangered animal. In 2009, there were only 19 kakapo parrots, as reported by Stephen Fry in this Last Chance to See clip:

New Zealand’s Kakapo Recovery has reported more recently that there are around 150 in 2014β€”a successful increase, but still not enough to keep them safe from extinction. As a part of their preservation, these unique creatures live on a group of protected islands with no predators and lots of technology-supported efforts to keep them healthy.

kakapo flightless parrot
In the archives: more conservation videos, including the protection of sloths, snowy owls, rhinos, bald eagles, and giant manta rays.

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