The Kid Should See This

Plastic Injection Molding

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Bill [Hammack] details the key engineering principles underlying plastic injection molding. He describes its history and then reveals the intricate details of the process. He shows viewers where to found, on any injection-molding product, the markings created by injection molding. He closes with a description of the one of the finest examples of the injection molding: the Lego brick.

plastic injection molded chair
LEGO cross section
After watching this Engineer Guy video, study a few LEGO pieces for the injection point and ejector pin witness marks. Then check out this How It’s Made video:

Follow this with these related videos :
β€’Β LEGO Factory: How robots and machines make LEGO
β€’Β Ocean Confetti, the challenge of micro-plastics
β€’ The 16 year old that turned banana peels into a biodegradable bioplastic

via Kottke.

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