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The Kid Should See This

What do newborn puppies need?

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A puppy’s first few weeks are all about their connection with their mother. Though puppies like newborn Molly are born with their eyes and ears sealed shut, they’re drawn to the warmth of their mother’s tummyβ€”an “amazing survival tool.” There, Molly can get warm and nurse.

“She needs to get her fill of this nutrient rich milk within the first few hours so she can go off big and strong. The first week of life is the riskiest time for all puppies to survive. Molly and her brothers and sisters need to gain weight every single day.”

Mother dogs also spend time licking their newborn pups. This cleans birth fluids from fur, stimulates breathingβ€”including first breathsβ€”and regulates body temperature.

Licking and snuggling also helps mother and pups bond. This clip from the BBC’s Wonderful World of Puppies shares how Molly, 2-week-old Big Ron, and their siblings bond with their mums during their first weeks of life.

“Big Ron, like all puppies at this early age, sleeps for about 20 hours a day. While we can’t see it, behind these sleepy snores, a magical transformation is underway. It’s during nap time that Big Ron’s brain keeps developing. Everyday, every sleepy twitch is a signal that his muscles are growing, too.”

sleeping puppy
Watch these dog and birth videos next:
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β€’ Cheesecake the capybara fosters puppies
β€’Β The avalanche rescue dogs of Mount Bachelor
β€’ What does it take to raise a guide dog puppy?
β€’ The three different ways mammals give birth

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