The Kid Should See This

Why is soil one of the most amazing things on Earth?

Watch more with these video collections:

“Soil… it’s one the most underrated, and little-understood, wonders on our fragile planet. Here’s why…

“Far from being lifeless dirt, it’s estimated that in a single gram of soil, there could be as many as 50,000 species of microscopic organisms or microorganisms. And in one teaspoon of soil, there are more microorganisms than there are people on the Earth.”

nutrient soil

“But much of what lies beneath, in this hidden and deep universe, is still alien to us. Despite being literally under our feet, humans have so far only identified a tiny fraction of the extraordinary life teeming underground. But these animals and microorganisms provide an invaluable role.”

Learn about soil, the essential creatures within it, and how much we depend on it for our health, from the food we eat to the air we breathe. This is why soil is one of the most amazing things on Earth from BBC Ideas.

mushroom ecology
modern agriculture
Watch these wonderful soil videos next:
The Secret History of Dirt, a smart soil explainer for all ages
Soil 101 from the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization
• How Does Oakland Turn Food Scraps to Soil?
• Vermicomposting: How worms can reduce our waste
The Soil Food Web, claymation shorts by Maxwell Helmberger
Life in the soil revealed in claymation shorts by Maxwell Helmberger

Bonus: Hopi Dryland Farming: Growing corn with rainfall in the desert.

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Vermicomposting with red wigglers, a time lapse

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Time lapse radish seeds sprouting

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Three earthworm species, three different lifestyles

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The Soil Food Web, claymation shorts by Maxwell Helmberger

Rion Nakaya

The Secret History of Dirt, a smart soil explainer for all ages

Rion Nakaya

Story of Flowers, a breathtaking botanical animation

Rion Nakaya

Soil Life in Action: Bioturbation with and without soil fauna

Rion Nakaya

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