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The Kid Should See This

Cave aux Bulles (Bubbles’ Cellar)

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Why can water drops pass through a soap bubble?

Rion Nakaya

Why (and how) do spittlebugs make bubbles?

Rion Nakaya

Unwoven Light: An iridescent net of chain link by Soo Sunny Park

Rion Nakaya

Un sedicesimo n°44, crushed plastic balloons on paper

Rion Nakaya

Three LEGO soap bubble machine ideas

Rion Nakaya

The Tenant (O Inquilino): The journey of a soap bubble

Rion Nakaya

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, a haunting tale told with shadow puppets

Rion Nakaya

The Face From Space: WISH, an 11 acre portrait of a girl

Rion Nakaya

The Dark Art of Shadow Puppetry – Science Friday

Rion Nakaya

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