The Kid Should See This

A Pileated Woodpecker, Blue Jays, and more on Cornell FeederWatch

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With a bright red head and crisp white stripes on its neck, a Pileated Woodpecker dines from suet bird feeders during a winter snowstorm on December 2nd, 2019. Smaller Hairy Woodpeckers feast at the feeder, too, while a Blue Jay watches. And can you spot the male Northern Cardinal?

This 4.5-minute video is from the Cornell FeederWatch LiveStream located in Ithaca, New York. Watch it now with the sound on:

This FeederWatch cam is located in the Treman Bird Feeding Garden at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Perched on the edge of both Sapsucker Woods and its 10-acre pond, these feeders attract both forest species like chickadees and woodpeckers as well as some species that prefer open environments near water like Red-winged Blackbirds.

The Wild Birds Unlimited store at Sapsucker Woods has been a part of the visitor experience in the Cornell Lab’s Visitor Center ever since the new building opened in 2003. They are the preferred vendor of official Cornell Lab merchandise and offer a dizzying number of feeders, binoculars, and birdwatching-related gear and gifts to make any bird enthusiast happy. WBU has also pledged support for many of the Cornell Lab’s local efforts, including providing the bird feeders and food for this FeederWatch Cam.

Here are another five minutes with a female Pileated Woodpecker at the feeder on December 5th. Vibrant Blue Jays hover around the sides of the feeding station to grab seeds and peanuts.

See more Cornell Lab Bird Cams on their YouTube Channel.

And on TKSST: A Lot About Blue Jays with Lesley the Bird Nerd.

Plus: You’d Never Guess What an Acorn Woodpecker Eats, Life inside a Purple Martin nest, and How to Make a Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder.

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