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The Kid Should See This

Detroit Hives: Transforming vacant Detroit lots into urban bee farms

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Bee populations are on the decline, and the city of Detroit, Michigan has 90,000 vacant housing lots, a result of the local economy. Detroit Beekeepers Tim Paule and Nicole Lindsey are solving those two problems with their passion project, an urban bee farm non-profit called Detroit Hives. This film by Spruce Tone Films documents their mission to transform their community “one hive at a time by bringing diversity to the field of beekeeping and creating opportunities for the city’s youth.”

They bought their first lot in 2017, started their first urban bee farm, and Detroit Hives was born. They’ve generated buzz with their work, expanding to other lots, multiplying their number of hives and continuing to build their colony ever since. Our founders created Detroit Hives with the purpose to bring diversity and cognizance to bee awareness and rebuilding inner-city communities introducing Detroit as the place to β€œBEE”.

Opening a hive
Nicole Lindsey of Detroit Hives
Read more about Paule and Lindsey’s work at Detroit Hives.

Then watch these videos next:
β€’Β How Do Bees Make Honey?
β€’ How to harvest honey
β€’Β Cutting honeycombs and bottling honey by hand
β€’Β Can wild bees also pollinate our plants & crops?

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