The Kid Should See This

What is public life?

Watch more with these video collections:

In parks, at bus stops, on the sidewalk, in playgrounds, in street and farmers markets: These are just some of the public spaces where we can participate in our city’s diverse and thriving public life, where people from all backgrounds can come together to create communities, both intentionally and serendipitously, and make resilient connections with each other in ways that might not otherwise happen.

Learn more about public life in this animated video from the Gehl Institute, a non-profit organization based in New York City whose mission is “to transform the way cities are shaped by making public life an intentional driver for design, policy, and governance.”

Community Bonds
creating public life
Watch videos about city life, design, and communities:
β€’Β Bus Station Sonata: Commuters play Beethoven
β€’ James Nares’ STREET
β€’ The Rink
β€’ Megabiskate
β€’ What does the wheelchair symbol actually mean?
β€’ What Happens When 350 Musicians Meet For The First Time?

Bonus: How design can change our experiences & environments and The psychology behind β€˜Us vs Them.’

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