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The Kid Should See This

A shoebill and its chick in Mubamba Swamp, Uganda

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“Our first trip out in Uganda was from Entebbe on the shores of Lake Victoria to see the Shoebill storks,” Colin Fosker writes on YouTube.

“We left early in the morning, it take around two hours to get to the Mubamba Swamp area. The time of year we were there, the water level was high, which made it difficult top navigate the swamp area and meant the shoebills were further away. Our guide took us to see a family group that was nesting around one and half hours boat ride away. A very enjoyable morning on the edges of Lake Victoria.”

the storkbill's "death stare"
Shoebills (Balaeniceps rex) are commonly misidentified as storks, but Birdlife International reports a closer relationship to pelicans. These birds inhabit the tropical They live in the tropical papyrus swamps, shallow lakes, and marshes of Central and East Africa, spanning from South Sudan to Zambia.

They possess a distinctive combination of features, showcasing intense expressions, piercing eyes paired with clog-like, sharp-edged bills, and a remarkable ability to stand motionless for extended periodsβ€”an adaptation for catching prey.

Notably, shoebills impress with their substantial size, typically reaching heights of 110 to 140 centimeters (3.6 to 4.6 feet) and boasting wingspans ranging from 230 to 260 centimeters (7.5 to 8.5 feet), further emphasizing their intimidating presence.

shoebill chick
In the video above, a shoebill stands stoically over its fluffy yet prehistoric-looking chick. Soon a second shoebill arrives to take over the watch. Via the San Diego Zoo:

“This unusual bird is classified as Vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which estimates that there are 3,300 to 5,300 mature shoebills remaining. The population continues to decline due to habitat degradation and loss, disturbance (hunting and egg collection) by humans, and the illegal bird trade.”

shoebill and its nest
Find more wildlife photography from Colin Fosker on Flickr.

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β€’Β Roseate spoonbills in Florida’s St. Johns National Wildlife Refuge

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