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The Kid Should See This

Being 10 in 2020, a kid-driven episode of Self-Evident: A PBS American Portrait Miniseries

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Every ten-year-old kid goes through big changes, all while simultaneously learning to navigate and understand the wider world. By nature, this makes them incredibly resilient and adaptable. Their resilience might give them an edge when it comes to taking on the huge shifts happening in 2020, from COVID-19 to nationwide protests to a polarizing election.

This is Being 10 in 2020. Join Danielle Bainbridge, Ph.D., and Dr. Ali Mattu as they listen to kids from communities all over the United States about “staying strong, safe, and sane in 2020.” Their advice: Go with the flow, stay connected, stay active, learn a new skill, and find ways to cope.

Bainbridge is a historian and the writer/creator of PBS’s The Origin of Everything. Mattu is a licensed therapist and clinical psychologist, and host of The Psych Show.

boxing to stay active
communicating beyond the internet
Being 10 in 2020 is one a series from Self-Evident: A PBS American Portrait Miniseries.

Self-Evident is a new series that tries to answer a pretty big question: β€œWhat does it really mean to be an American today?” As we grapple with a pandemic, widespread social unrest and a polarizing election, the series explores how we’re navigating life in an especially weird year. Every episode features stories filmed by YOU and other everyday people around the country.

being ten in the United States
lighting fireworks
Watch these related videos next:
β€’Β β€œSocial distancing is hard. This astronaut has some advice.”
β€’Β How To Wear A Mask In School, a no-nonsense guide for all ages
β€’ Lost Boy Remembers His Way Home
β€’Β If You Fall, an animated short about taking risks
β€’Β Young Explorers Club: Toddlers explore the world on their own
β€’Β The Day You Begin read by author Jacqueline Woodson

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