The Kid Should See This

Pass The Pepper, a social distancing-themed chain reaction at dinner

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Pass The Pepper is an astonishing, social distancing-themed, Rube Goldberg machine that promises a “fool-proof method for completely safe, germ-free passing of condiments across the table.” A two-month collaboration between Joseph Herscher of Joseph’s Machines and Lyle Broughton of JackofAllSpades98, this screen-linked video is chock-full of intricate chain reactions. Many of them look like catastrophic mistakes, only to reveal that they were in the plan all along.

chain reaction ramps
chain reaction cake
It’s a sequel to Herscher’s Pass the Salt video. Watch that next.

We’re proud supporters of Joseph Herscher’s Patreon. Join us there. Then watch more Rube Goldberg machine videos, more chain reaction videos, and more from Joseph Herscher :
β€’Β The Page Turner
β€’Β The Dresser
β€’Β The Compost Thrower
β€’Β The Cake Server

Plus, explore the physics behind these videos with Science Extras from Jiwi’s (Rube Goldberg) Machines.

Bonus: A Japanese β€˜Pythagoras Switch’ Rube Goldberg Machine for charity and The Lemonade Machine.

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